2 days of smiley faces on opk. I got just the regular smiley today.

Mar 28, 2016 · I started using the clear blue digital advanced this month (9 months ttc number 2, first baby conceived on clomid). I got circles for a few days of testing then on cd14 I got straight smiley face, but no flashing faces ever. If 9 days go by, the insert says you’re unlikely to find peak fertility. Breasts not tender. Anyone else experienced this? The two matched up last month without fail but baffled this month xx Dec 24, 2015 · I just had 7 days of flashing and ended up running out of test strips. Feb 14, 2014 · I had a similar thing just happen to me- two days of the circle, then 1 day of a solid smiley- but it didnt stay on my monitor for 48 hours, so I tested the next day, and now I am on day 3 of the blinking smiley. This Jun 4, 2013 · Hi Bambi! Think we met on the other thread? Am hopeful that this is the case, as got a positive on my cheap opk two days later. One smiley and one smiley with circles around it. Today I have negative pg tests both with a cheapie test but also a cb digital. On CD11 late evening I got a positive opk, but it peaked the next day on CD12. Mar 12, 2018 · How many days of blinking smileys do you get before getting solid smiley (peak)? Just started using them this cycle. I just read the Sperm Meets Egg Plan a few days ago and it says to have sex every other day until your positive OPK, then have sex 3 days in a row when you see the positive, skip one day then have sex one more day just in case you O'd late. Jan 15, 2022 · Hey guys. " Other digital versions can tell you your fertile days. It was way too difficult for me to figure out when the lines test indicated a surge, but the smiley face test was great. Since you ovulate on the last day of EWCM then you wouldn't get a positive OPK until day 3-4(if you are a women who ovulates quickly you might not even get one until early on day 5!) Women who are older might only get 1-2 days. I had 2 days of blank circles and currently on my 10th day of flashing smiley! Thought I would of had the peak smiley last week. BFN on the hcg test, and still no sign of AF (2 days late). Jul 15, 2020 · First time using clear blue ovulation sticks where you get your 4 (or more) fertile days flashing smiley faces and then you get your solid smiley. Obviously I had a short surge and bypassed the flashing smiley completely. Jul 21, 2014 · Last month I used the Clearblue Digital Sticks and got a smiley on Day 13 and 14. Jul 14, 2017 · I started using clear blue digital (purple one) and had my peak 4 days ago but the OPK's were still negative even though I had my solid face (had 5 days of flashing faces beforehand so know it works). Today (CD13) I got a solid smiley indicating peak fertility. Dec 31, 2013 · The test displays a flashing smiley face for the high fertility days leading up to ovulation, and a solid smiley for your peak fertility days on the day your LH surge is detected and the day after. It’s easy to use and provide clear digital results. I'm trying it this cycle, hoping it works! Identifies a wider fertile window than any other ovulation test. Oct 21, 2013 · Ok I know I have posted about the clearblue duel hormone tests before but this morning I got my 4th flashing smiley face, I really though that it would be solid by now, I dont really understand how as it is supposed to detect hormone changes, each month when you buy a new pack you get a new holder so it cant be that the tests are getting used to me as a new holder will be like using them for Apr 16, 2024 · When it detects a rise in your level of estrogen it displays High Fertility (flashing smiley face), and will continue to display High Fertility in the following days whilst it looks for your LH surge. I back up my second lot of peak smile face with opk and the lines were both solid two days in a row and we dtd on both these two days when I got peak and positive opk. Mar 6, 2017 · I had my AF on the 12th and 13th , had been spotting since 8th but AF only lasted 2 day . I googled (never a good idea I know) but apparently once that opk test flashes with a smiley face it will keep flashing unt Mar 17, 2011 · 4 days of blaring positives would drive me crazy!! I also use the Smiley Face CBE Digi OPKs and get a mild positive the 1st day and a strong positive the 2nd day, with a nice temp rise the 3rd day. Usually I have 3-4 flashing smiley days. Jul 14, 2020 · Just looking for some opinions please! This is my LH progression. This cycle I tested from day 9. As the title says I’m on day 5 of flashing smileys with the clearblue OPKs and I’m just waiting for that static smiley face! I had an abnormal cycle last month which lasted for 37 days (first ever - my normal cycles are 29-31) so I think I’m just overly stressed I’m not going to ovulate. Smiley faces on clear blue two days in a row. Hi, yes I’ve been getting results all over the place I go from solid circle to solid smiley next day then 2 days of solid circle now a flashy smile , very confusing . Dumb question On the box it shows two smiley faces. i feel like i have the signs of pregnancy but had my period 2; How many days after a positive opk should i test? 2 smiley faces on opk is first one before ovulation Apr 16, 2024 · The clear digital display gives you a Clearblue® smiley face when it identifies your best days to get pregnant so you know your body is ready. e. May 6, 2022 · Therefore best days are days 1-2 of opk,day 3 still has a chance or trying to predict the day before (or flashing smiley face) with clear blue is also thought to be useful. Instead, three days of constant smiley flashing smiley faces, including this morning, I've come home from Sep 26, 2014 · Now thats done we are ready for a number two to join our son henry I ovd a couple of days ago, we did it every other say leading up to it, but ill be honest we were exhausted cause i had so many flashy faces, We then did it in first day of flashy face vut not second day, just got to hope i caught then We shall see. Apr 11, 2015 · You can have sex up to 5 days before you get the smiley as sperm can live for 5 days inside then you should dtd the day of smiley and 2-3 days following it. DH and I will still continue to bd just in case. so 2-3 days of the flashing smiley meaning it’s rising and 1 solid smiley meaning peak Mar 13, 2018 · Thanks for replies ladies! Tested with a normal clear blue test - the pin know Ines and it was negative this morning. I was only testing every 24 hours as well. I have sticky cm, I guess? and lots of it. I’ve had 3 smiley faces cd12, 13, 14 and waiting to test again tomorrow morning!! Hi guys I’ve been testing with the clear blue advanced digital ovulation kit and I’ve had 7/8 days of flashing smiley faces. Dec 4, 2018 · Private messages My feed My lists Premium Dark mode Off Also, I had empty circles the last two days - normally I would get quite a few days of blinking smileys before a solid smiley. That endearing OPK  smiley face just arrived! If I dont think we will be able to do it twice this week, are we better off to BD tonight or wait a day? Sorry for the cluelessness. 3 days before o day and the night before o at 12 Aug 3, 2014 · Technically, it is not too late on the second solid smiley face day. I am 36 years old and I have one child. BUT I am getting a smiley face with cb opk. I had a smiley face on cb digital opk 15 days ago (2 weeks yesterday). Thanks again, Jun 28, 2013 · Hi Emma, We're talking about the dual hormone clearblue opk - where u do get a flashing face first then solid face when LH is released, been using the regular clearblue opk for 6 months and fancied a change lol!. When you hit the flashing smiley, you should POAS at least twice a day until you get a static smiley. I took an OPK to see if it could detect HCG (I know this isn't 100% accurate but was just giving it a go) and it was SUPER dark. The CB directions stare that if you get 10 The smiley face stick works exactly the same as the 2 lines, the 2nd blue line just has to be dark enough to make the smiley face pop up! So if there are 2 fairly dark blue lines, the smiley face is probably hours away! Oct 24, 2017 · About a week and a half ago I started spotting, 2 weeks after my last period. Last cycle I had 6 days of flashing smileys until I got the solid one, the cycle before 2 days of flashing smileys before solid. Aug 2, 2017 · This month, after being told by a gynecologist friend to only have sex every other day to ensure his soldiers had fully restocked, we got a flashing face, had sex, and then were going to wait to go again once we got a constant smiley face. If you're using one, I assume you know how they work? To build on what mktyler17 said, your Positive OPK shows the LH surge that tells your ovaries to release an egg. , but just curious to compare notes. Jun 14, 2022 · I’m now cd 25 of a 27 (usually) day cycle which would be correct if I ovulated when the opk was positive. Estrogen peaks days or even a week before lh. Test 1 time each day at about the same time of day. May 30, 2013 · It says it detects your 4 most fertile days so I took that to mean that I would get 2 days of flashing and 2 days of solid. and then it gets exhausting to dtd everyday. If your surge is two days long, you will have a positive ovulation test for two days in a row. S. I had positive OPK's on the 10th and 11th and then negatives up until today when I got a smiley face on a clear blue digital. opk I got a static smiley face today! That's great but I have NO ewcm. My previous cycles I always had 3 days. But when I look at the directions Jan 3, 2020 · Hi all, I’m trying to conceive for 2 cycles and using the clearblue pink OPK for the first time this cycle. Sep 19, 2017 · This was me back in June! Had a positive clear blue opk 2 weeks after having my late mmc induced. I've even tried in the pm and still blinking. 24–definitely a spike. Is this just the start of the surge or are they positive? The clear blue smiley face is solid non blinking. Is this a product? Everything I can find is the solid smiley/blinking smiley indicating Sep 10, 2015 · About 2 and a half weeks ago I had a slight pale pink cm and that's been it since. My cycles are still irregular since co Feb 5, 2020 · Im using clearblue digital OPK & always have 1 or 2 days of the flashing smiley face (high fertility) followed by the static smiley (peak/ovulation), & sometimes go straight to the static smiley. Hello i have been getting headaches for the last 2 weeks and vommitting the last 4 days. Once you get a Solid Smiley on your test, it always stays solid for 2 days. Then it went from flashing to solid smiley. The most common ways to do this include tracking your basal body temperature (BBT), monitoring your cervical mucus, and/or testing your LH levels with an ovulation predictor kit (often called an OPK). I know everyone gets different results, everyone's cycle is different, etc. For the majority of women, testing every day starting no later than the 6th day of your cycle should be sufficient for accurately predicting your LH surge. I used cb digi advanced for the first time this cycle and had two empty faces then straight to a solid smiley. I had flashing smiley faces on a clearblue advanced digital ovulation test on CD 8, 9 and 10. Jan 3, 2015 · This is my first day using the Clearblue Digital OPK, I got a smiley face on CD10, first time using it but it seems too early. But the Premom Jan 2, 2018 · I think my first month using them back before my MC I got a flashing smiley on CD 10(I dont O until cd 16-17) my CM was still in the creamy phase for another day or two (so not exactly fertile and 6 days out from O!) I got pregnant but had a mc at 7 weeks. I'm on my 4th day of blinking smiley faces and wondering if that's normal. so out of curiousity, I tested mine in plain water and got a stupid smiley face. Monday night I did a OPK and got a smiley face so we did BD tat nyt too. ? Period usually lasting 4-5 days. A flashing smiley face is high fertility. Nov 3, 2012 · Hi ladies, just joined WTE! I've been TTC for 5 months now. I have had months with 4-8 flashing smiley faces on the digital opk so they may not be Nov 28, 2015 · Hello! This is my second cycle using the Advanced OPK. Apr 16, 2024 · Gives you a clear smiley face in the result window when your LH surge has been detected, identifying your 2 best days to try for a baby. If you are a younger woman (in her 20's) you may have 4-5 days of EWCM. I had a low up until Friday then on Sunday had a solid smiley face which stays for two days. I also suggest buying some cheapies to confirm what the digital is saying, especially since you didn't have 2 full days of baseline testing. This was on day 12 which was a couple of days earlier than expected but still seemed normal. I also use the Clearblue Easy Fertility montior and on day 13, I had only gotten a high, but i did get a peak on days 14 and 15. This is when you should consider yourself at peak fertility. W Apr 2, 2015 · Clearblue OPK digitals (the circle or smiley face ones) are bogus. They're too expensive to test with twice a day! xx Nov 16, 2021 · This is my 4th cycle ttc and my 3rd using opk. I have gotten a flashing smiley face 6 days in a row now.  I started testing on CD11 and got a blank circle on day 11 and day 12. I don’t seem to get high before peak and then low then high 🤷🏻‍♀️ Sep 30, 2021 · I initially got circles but then had two days of flashing smileys and then I got my static smiley. Fertility drugs (like Clomid) may give a false positive result if you test early. So I wasn't sure if I went in too early. It's my first EVER smiley face and it gave me a rush!! Makes me wanna go hump on my hubby all day!! Lol!! So we should be doing it every other day? Do I continue to do an Sep 6, 2018 · Please help ladies!!! I started getting positive (dip stick) ovulation test on 8/5. One meaning peak and one meaning high. I was actually getting bfns on all tests except frer where I was still getting the tiniest hint of a line. I got blinking smiley faces on my ClearBlue OPK for the last 2 days and then this morning I got a solid smiley face indicating my peak. This cycle I have to solid smiley face and then 8days later two days of highs flashing face and then solid face peak. I got just the regular smiley today. So it would look like this: (Average menstrual cycle length) – (14 days) – (1 or 2 days) Another example: If you have 28-day cycles, you can calculate your peak ovulation by using this formula: (28) – (14 days) – (1 or 2 days) = 12 or 13 Apr 17, 2011 · Iv used the CBD amulets the last 2 months had my smiley face and I'm still not pregnant, I'm gonna carry on using them cos they're so easy to use but hearing all the success stories makes it all the harder for me as we've been TTC for 8 months now, good luck to you all. 25-26 day cycles. The purpose of OPK testing is to time intercourse or IUI procedures. Having no idea that I would have two days of positives, we did it both days, and then the two days after for good measure. I got my first flashing smile on cd 9 & now it's been 5 days flashing. Jun 17, 2016 · My cycles are long however unpredictable, going from 32-40 days. Last month I didn't get a high fertility sign at all (flashing smiley face), it just went straight to peak fertility (fixed smiley face). Fertility ; Ovulation Calculator ; Ovulation Symptoms ; Preparing for Pregnancy Get weekly updates on baby and your body. Oct 1, 2013 · I just had 8 flashy days before my solid! But I think that is because I am breastfeeding, and so my oestrogen is all over the place. Today is cycle day 17 and just got my 8th day of flashing smiley but no peak ( solid smiley). Then my period came day 25 which has never happened. Waited 2 days for it to disappear then tested again, another static smiley, waited 2 days again and tested a third time and another static smiley. Every time. I always test first thing in the morning. Here’s how my tests are looking. Once peak is reached, the meter shows the result for 48 hours, which Feb 14, 2021 · After 10 days of flashing smiley faces I got a peak on Friday around 5pm, I was absolutely delighted. Start testing day 11 of a cycle. Than day 2 and so on ive been getting the flashing smiley face which means peak . Unfortunately we had a MMC at 9 weeks, gone for d&c and finally starting trying again this month. Jul 15, 2017 · In regards to your positive OPK. I double checked with a cheap opk and that was Here are some day-specific pregnancy probabilities based on the day you have intercourse: 3 days before ovulation: 27%; 2 days before ovulation: 33%; 1 day before ovulation: 41%; Day of ovulation: 20%; 1 day post ovulation: 8%; As you can see, your chances of pregnancy increase as you near ovulation, then significantly decrease the day of Oct 24, 2012 · I got my first smiley face with CB OPK this morning. I also took an easy@home OPK and it’s a blazing positive - both lines a dark pink. As Im now in cycle 3 of ttc again, Ive decided to try OPKs. The best days for getting pregnant are the 2 days before you ovulate. Jul 15, 2018 · I had 12 days of negative opk's and then this happened: cd 27, 28 and 29 - flashing smileys indicating increased estrogen levels on CB dual hormone cd 30 - solid smiley, negative IC (but darker than in previous days) cd 31 - solid smiley still present from the day before, IC a little LIGHTER that the day before, small amount of EWCM in the evening. They show an empty circle for not ovulating and not fertile which i got day 1 of using. Jan 17, 2024 · How the results show on the test will vary from one line or two lines, smiley face symbols, or a "yes" or "no. of flashing smileys and then the third day was a static smiley. I usually just use a store brand. Should we be doing it today as well? How important is it to do it day after LH surge!? baby dust to all! :) Aug 4, 2021 · Hey folks, Currently CD13 of a 28 day cycle and using Clearblue Advanced OPK for the first time. Then I was back to low on Wednesday as forgot to test on Tuesday!! Fingers crossed we DTD enough. Most women will have 2 days of flashing smiley faces before the peak fertility is reached. Today is CD#13 and worried I will either Oct 25, 2018 · First round of letrozole, two mature follicles found on Wednesday. Posted 07-22-11. My typical cycles are between 30-32 days with ovulation on day 14-15. your LH surge and the day of ovulation). Jan 8, 2015 · No new updates yet. month and OPK showed a smiley face Mar 8, 2011 · Monday - Light line / no smiley face on clear blue Tuesday -Dark line / smiley face on clear blue Wednesday - Dark Line / no smiley face on clear blue Thursday - Dark Line Yesterday I had some cm late afternoon, me and hubby DTD last night, but please correct me if I am wrong but after you ov are you meant to get a positive line on test??? Jun 22, 2012 · No you would expect to get a smiley 1-2 days before ovulation (when i used them i used to get a smiley about 24 hours before) You ovulate around 14 days before AF so as your cycle is approx 32 days you could expect to ovulate around CD18. Dec 5, 2014 · After 2 days of flashing smiley faces on my cb digi adv. Jun 25, 2013 · Agreed! I test 2 to 3 times s day so I don't miss the beginning. I threw it away then and went with the wondfo ovulation sticks on Amaon that you just look for two lines of the same Jan 30, 2017 · So have been using the clear blue digital opk for a year now due to semi irregular cycles. Oct 29, 2016 · Hey girls. Sep 27, 2012 · On sunday I got a smiley face with my OPK, did some BD that afternoon. Negative PT. Oct 24, 2022 · Static smiley but negative OPK? Hiya! Me and my fiancé decided to start trying for a baby this cycle. Ste5302013174413882. Assumed that's why I was getting the smiley face but it actually was that I ovulated! Mar 8, 2014 · I normally get 2 days of postive opk's with the 2nd day being 'O'! This cycle I had 3 days of + opk and 3 day being 'O' day! We only dtd 2 times. So far, the OPK and apps have lined up with each other on when I’m supposed to ovulate. I have a 26 day cycle and am very regular. I then did an clear blue OPk test on the 19th and got a flashing smiley face , this then went to a standstill smiley face on the 20th . It said on the instructions that I should start testing on CD7, which I did. Last month I only had one and this month I had negative 3-4 days in a row and all of a sudden yesterday I had a solid smiley face. I never got a flashing smiley, just wondering if anyone else has experienced this and what their outcome was! May 24, 2014 · My experience which resulted in bfp: 1st oct - flashing smiley (couldnt bd due to work shifts) 2nd oct - am - flashing - bd that day 3rd oct - am - flashing - bd that day 3rd oct - 11pm - solid smiley 4th oct - bd that morning Also used Conceive Plus. Mar 19, 2013 · I'm using the clear blue digital opk for the first time. I was really surprised to get the flashing Smiley because I’ve been tracking my ovulation with the ClearBlue OPK and some ovulation apps for the last couple of months. I ended up doing my last stick in the evening on day 9 as I was also using cheapy IC opk and line was very dark. My easy@home ones haven’t detected a peak yet but I did just get a “high” reading. Yesterday on CD 11 I got a static smiley face. Negative pregnancy test. What does this mean! Could I be pg??? Going slightly out of my mind. When your LH surge is detected, the test displays Peak Fertility (static smiley face). I'm half way tempted to take a preg test and see what that comes up. Start by selecting which of these best describes you! Oct 1, 2013 · Hi, I usually get 4 days of flashing smileys before a solid. Today makes day 5 of the flashing smiley! Jan 28, 2017 · The past two cycles I have only had 1 day of the flashing smiley face on my CB opk before the solid face being displayed. I was testing with clearblue digital it supposed to give me a flashing smiley face and then a solid smiley face well I went straight to solid smiley face CD15, we BD same day but we did not the next days so that was not my month. Jan 15, 2008 · I didn't get a positive OPK in September until 2 days before my period was due, after which I took a pregnancy test which came back positive. But yeah, you should try to dtd but be aware that you could get it for days and days! I would dtd every other day - I think that still covers your bases. Today, I'm 6 dpo and I'm being impatient to test for pregnancy lol. I just feel like its way too soon! Please Sep 13, 2017 · So I am doing IUI this cycle and my office recommends the clearblue "easy read" with smiley face indicator but I could have sworn she said on the phone that it was the one with just a solid smiley, none of the blinking. Aug 12, 2009 · We did every other day up until the positive OPK. Sep 18, 2022 · The Finding a Resolution for Infertility Support Community connects patients, families, friends and caregivers for support and inspiration. May 26, 2017 · Hello ladies, need your help. I feel pregnant . My question would be. Slight cramping. Nov 28, 2016 · I'm assuming you mean a flashing smiley face? So that would be high fertility rather than 'Peak' which is the static face which stays for 2 days. there is also a 3rd smiley that determines high but i havent got that yet. GameStop Moderna Pfizer Johnson & Johnson AstraZeneca Walgreens Best Buy Novavax SpaceX Tesla. Jun 25, 2024 · If you are trying to conceive, you know just how important it is to track the most fertile days of your cycle (i. It puts me in the worst mood at the beginning of the day as I just don't know why it's taking so long! This morning, I had some spotting as well. Anyway, when I get a smiley face, how long should I be having swi for? is it 24-48 hours after the smiley face only. I have had flashing smiley faces for the past 5 days, and this morning I got an empty smiley face. This means that the meter is showing a rise in estrogen levels in your urine. I… Mar 13, 2021 · With Clearblue I always have two days of highs and the third day is a peak. 5 months TTC this month we DTD the night before + opk then the next day ( first smiley) and the following day ( last smiley? 10 days later BFP! Apr 20, 2021 · I got a solid smiley 😊, we bd and then 2 days later, I tested just for fun or to see if my LH was still high, guess what: got flashing smiley again! 😄 Super confused! But trying not to Business, Economics, and Finance. Crypto Aug 25, 2013 · Yes, I just recently used it started on CD 9 and got an immediate solid happy face ( skipped flashing smiley) on CD 12 ( that was 11/2/2013) BD'd for straight four days after. The Solid Smiley means that you're at Peak LH levels. The Real Housewives of Atlanta The Bachelor Sister Wives 90 Day Fiance Wife Swap The Amazing Race Australia Married at First Sight The Real Housewives of Dallas My 600-lb Life Last Week Tonight with John Oliver 4 or more days[1] 2 days : 2 days : Up to 6 days : 4 or more days[1] 2 days : Provides up to 6 cycles of data on one screen Digital Display Advanced Digital Ovulation Test : Digital Ovulation Test : Includes Rapid Detection Pregnancy Test Disclaimer Information: [1] In a study, 4 or more fertile days were identified in 80% of cycles (2012). Sep 28, 2020 · @H923 if the smiley face was flashing it means it has detected a rise in oestrogen, so your body is on its way to ovulating and you can consider this a high fertility time. If so, you can have a number of days of flashing smilies. One true positive is all you need to know is that you will be ovulating within 24 to 48 hours. I kept getting smiley faces WAY too early; it didn't make sense, like on day 8. How long after your positive opk do you usually ovulate or see a spike? Aug 1, 2024 · Any success stories?I started testing with the Clear Blue Digital ovulation tests and I got 5 days of empty circle then today I tested and got a solid smiley. Jun 28, 2013 · I have been using the clearblue advanced ovulation tests. This morning gives me 3rd day flashing smiley face. Do any of you have a sudden surge like that or is is supposed to be gradual? I want On CD14 and I’ve been getting the flashing smiley for 4 days now. I always test in the afternoon even thought they say it's ok to test at any time of the day. I my boobs feel pregnant. However, with my third and fourth cycle, I only got the solid smiley face. Only brand with a re-usable reader If you have ovulation test sticks left after detecting your first LH surge then you can use them with the same test holder to identify your fertile days next cycle, if Apr 16, 2024 · Digital Ovulation Test identifies your 2 most fertile days by detecting your LH surge. Basically looks like 5-6 pre O as my original expectation. We BD last night and I elevated my hips for at least 30 minutes right after. I read that this is an estrogen surge. I took Clomid on days 3-7, got my postiive smiley face OPK on Day 12, went for my IUI on Day 13. I am now 21 dpo ( according to the OPK) but have been getting negative testsso I don't know now if these are accurate or not. This month I decided to try the Advanced version - today is day 13 and I got a blank circle this morning but I tested this evening after over 6 hours without peeing and I got a solid happy face - never a flashing smiley. Hey again, So yesterday, I had posted about getting my first smiley face on a OPK. Nov 3, 2017 · First time using the clear blue digital opk after a year of cheapies (tired of lines). One of the main features of our Digital Ovulation Test is its easy-to-read results that show your most fertile days with a smiley face. Today, cd 10, I already have a flashing smiley. The lines on my OPKS never really got that dark. When your result is high fertility (a flashing smiley), have intercourse today to increase your chance of conceiving. (Saying I’m in high fertility but not peak this morning) I thought I’d try a cheap ovulation kit and it has basically said no 🙃 i dunno if this is because I’ve used it half way through the day or not but I Mar 26, 2018 · there are 2 clearblue opks, one is pink and you’ll either get a circle for negative or a smiley for positive, the purple one is the I have, it’s supposed to detect up to 4 days of fertility. Is it ok to get smiley face 2 days in a row? Today wen I tried OPK it came out negative. Could this be a false positive. I'm so confused! 16 straight days of blinking smiley faces, not one solid. The dr said femara should not affect opk. Jan 14, 2016 · This month I got the smiley face first (again), but on day 2 I used my old tester from the first pack and got a flashing smiley face for 2 days after that. Learn when to use them, how they work, and how accurate they really are. Through the last 6 months, my cycle ranged from 27-37 days with an average of 30. My BBT this morning (cycle day 16) was 98. Getting Pregnant . Sep 10, 2020 · I have just had a week of static smiley faces on clear blue OPK, first time using it. We all have a "window" of fertility. 5 points you need to read before use On the days I get a smiley face on my clear blue I usually have a cheapie test that looks like it might be positive but it's always hard to tell with those lines! See all replies (1) w Last month I did an IUI and no luck. Then we waited the dreaded 2ww ! I started using OPKs for this cycle. I am now 4 days late. I highly reccomend the CBE Digi OPKs. I ended up getting First Result OPK with a digital for confirmation and go t my surge on CD 16 (I usually surge on CD 13 with a 25 day cycle). On day 4 I tested again and got a negative circle result and then on days 5 and 6 another flashing smiley face. I've started to cm and cervix check and I can feel the changes but still feel clueless! I'm hoping the smiley face is a sign things are working or starting too. But this cycle I’m on my 5th day of flashing smiley & no positive ovulation yet, and I’ve never had this before (currently CD15). Any… Because it resets and the next reading after the 48 hours of solid smiley will be taking a baseline. Im starting to be worried a little (i know right, here we all are TTC and im "worried")seriously girls, 3 days positive OPK what do you think that means?i should mention im on CD 21, I charted and O'd on cd 21, but the past 3 days have shown positive opk. So that's The first 2 cycles (before I started temping) I got 4 or 5 days of flashing smiley faces before getting my solid smiley face. Not sure what was up. Managed to dtd for the 2 days of the cb smiley and the cheap positive, so here's hoping!! I seem to remember from your other post that you've got the flashing smiley face, so good luck getting your fixed face soon. I got two empty circles followed by 3 flashing faces then blank circles again!!! I’m at my wit’s end. But I never got a positive OPK. I'm just at lost to if its normal to keep getting a blinking smiley face for two consecutive days regardless of having a solid smiley face just 6 days of having the solid smiley face. Fertility Monitor with Touch Screen. Instructions say to stop testing after 9 but was wondering if anyone got a peak after so many flashing smileys or if I should just give up! Mar 24, 2011 · 3 days positive opk in a row. I started cd 9 for the cycle length of 29 days. Jul 20, 2015 · This is the 2nd day of having blinking smiley face on my digital clear blue ovulation test, however before this I ad a solid smiley face on the screen on 06/16. If it's actually ovulation, it means I've had 2 surges this month a week apart. Sign Out. This typically identifies up to Sep 29, 2010 · I want to do this at the right time, since DH works crazy hours. I got a flashing Smiley today and I'm at CD13. The Clear Blue test you are using can indicate up to 2 days of flashing smiley faces and up to 2 days of solid smiley faces, and those are your best 4 days. Today, there was no smiley face. Also, after two smiley faces, my OPK wouldn't work. Day 1 is the 1st day of heavy bleeding. Then this morning (same day as the temp spike and just a few minutes after taking my BBT) I finally got a solid smiley face after 7 days of flashing smiley faces. Quote I had 2 days of smiley face on my OPK. 1st month using OPK, cd16 & still no smiley face! Do I keep using OPK this month or is it too late to ov now? Sep 23, 2021 · Higher than even when ovulating. Any ideas? Dec 13, 2011 · I didnt use OPKs for my last 2 pg's which happened in the first month for pg1 (DS1) and second month for pg2 (ended in mc). The Clearblue Advanced Digital Ovulation Test identifies the fertile window of the menstrual cycle by monitoring two key urinary fertility hormones, estrone-3-glucuronide (E3G; one of the urinary metabolites of estradiol) and luteinizing hormone (LH). Tender breast could I be pregnant? Aug 10, 2022 · Now, since you are most fertile, 1-2 days prior to ovulation, you would subtract 1-2 days from day 16. Your supposed to take your first positive right? I have read to disregard anything after that as it can stay high for a few days for some people. Feb 20, 2024 · The flashing smiley means it is detecting estrogen. I have been using the cb digital opk since cd 18 and it started flashing again cd 20 which is about right as there is a second oestrogen surge that would fall off if conception never happened. but if I am not going in that direction the empty circle would be more indicative of a cycle where I haven't ovulated. Do not test before day 11. Talked to the helpline at ClearBlue and they said to keep testing. Dec 19, 2017 · Oh and age is also a factor. We have been ttc for about 9 months properly. Oct 30, 2015 · I tried the same opk for the first time last month and the exact same thing happened to me. Aug 29, 2014 · I am on day 5 of the flashing smiley face and am hoping for the non-flashing smiley face hopefully tomorrow. It is important to remember that while many people ovulate the day after a positive OPK, some will ovulate the same day as a positive OPK, others may ovulate 2 days later, and some might not ovulate. The packaging says it'll show a flashing smiley for an average of 2 days before a solid smiley shows up, but I'm on day 6 of flashing smileys and it's driving me mad. I use the clearblue opk with the two different smileys ( flashing for high fertility and just a plain smiley for peak fertility). Once the ovulation test tests positive for the LH surge, it will continue to test positive throughout the surge. Got one day of blank and then 4 days of blinking. My partner and i did the BD every day from the 19th (for about 4days I think ). I took an ovulation test today, and the clearblue OPK resulted in a solid smiley face. I thought it was coming so DTD on Friday, Sunday,Monday and Tuesday!! A blank circle is low fertility. I don't want to stop testing just for the sake of getting the flashing smiley face to stop appearing after three days. I've had 8 days of flashing smileys and it's driving me insane. Will keep bd'ing though just in case!! Good luck to you both xx Jun 2, 2013 · This is my second month using an OPK (clearblue digital that tells you when you are both high and peak fertility). Period only lasted 1-2 days very light spotting. I was using the OPK with the smiley face positive rather than comparing lines. I continued to test and bd twice a day after that and got a positive clear blue smiley (test with those as backup) on 8/7 and 8/8. Don’t forget to always use a first morning urine. . I had 9 in a row one month. Is that normal? For some reason, I thought that there would be a smiley face for at least two days seeing as how it is supposed to tell you your two most fertile days (or something like that). do you think my timing of BD'ing was off after I got the positive CB OPK result? The insert of the box said to BD 24-48 hours after you receive a smiley face and if my timing is right, I BD'd 12 hours and 60 hours after the smiley face. Every test I take is negative , I did the ovulation test and I keep getting flashing smiley faces on one and blank circles on other but I shouldn’t have flashing smiley faces for about 4 more days if the spotting was a period. Peak fertility is a smiley face. Still getting a really strong positive on the opk strips, and a flashing smiley face on the clearblue digital opk. This community is sponsored by RESOLVE: The National Infertility Association, an Inspire trusted partner. We BD each of those days plus the 2 days before. It's too stressful and Apr 12, 2023 · According to a small study on the insert of the product, 25% of women will receive 5-9 days of a flashing smiley before reaching the static smiley. Not too sure about the chances of conceiving a girl vs boy May 6, 2024 · Together with your partner, you can use this information to plan intercourse on the days that you are the most fertile. An OPK is most commonly positive the day before you ovulate, so you have advanced warning to get that sperm up there and waiting for the egg. I took an easy@home LH OPK to double check and the premom app rated the result as a 0. After solid you are not supposed to test anymore as it will stay solid for 48 hours. So to test to out, I bought a normal pink dye OPK, and the T line is much much fainter than the C line. Two cycles ago I had 11 consecutive days of flashing faces. I have always ovulated around cd16. I used CB digital for the last two cycles as well and they lined up with the OPKs. I am not sure if that is okay ? I have always got my peak between CD#11 and 13. Jul 4, 2013 · I took Femara day 5-9 this past cycle and this is my 16th day w a blinking smiley. Dec 17, 2016 · 3rd month ttc and 1st month of using the clue blue dual ovulation test. You can get more than one positive in a cycle, many women have several days of positives, but more than one surge is less common and if you got more than one surge the only way to know when you ovulated would be to temp. I am using first morning's urine like the directions said. so now is it ok NOT to BD tonight? Do I have to continue BD Ovulation tests can help you figure out when you’re about to ovulate. Honestly, I'm done with the advanced OPK. These aren't meant to be read by eye since they do show two different hormones. 99 T/C ratio (lines were about equal - maybe test line slightly darker than control). While it was lovely to see a flashing smiley face, by May 22, 2020 · The flashy face gets irritating after day 2. May 26, 2017 · Having said that lots of ladies will get flashing smiley faces for days and days. Jun 18, 2014 · I also use the CB digi and always go from low to peak with no flashing face.  Should I be worried that I missed flashing smileys? Husband Feb 24, 2014 · I would say that you might hsve missed the surge. Dec 4, 2013 · Hey ladies this is my first time actually getting a smiley on an OPK. Jul 13, 2016 · Hi, I used OPK for first time on May. Aug 2, 2019 · The first time ever I used OPK in March I got a solid smiley in the first day! So happy! We got pregnant the next cycle after using OPK and temping - I got 2 days of flashing smiley before the solid. x I had 12 days of a flashing smiley face and finally got a solid smiley on Saturday along with two other positives OPK of different brands. Yesterday morning I got a dip on my bbt so was thinking today I'd see a spike, only for it to be exactly the same as yesterday. Nov 28, 2016 · The first day, I completely overflowed the overnight Always Infiniti pads. Started testing on CD8 as instructed and immediate static smiley. The day after and day of are the best timing, since ovulation generally happens about 12-36 hours after the surge. I have not truly ovulated for almost Dec 2, 2020 · We worked off the basis that sperm live inside for up to 2 days (some sources say up to 5-7 days, but we erred on the side of caution) and tried to make sure stocks were full from 1st day of flashing smiley faces to 2-3 days after static smiley disappeared. sibzo creek ozjxoy qlmbppo rjalxz hkj mxp iprd agl ddnlvhg